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Top Selling Ridgid Tools

Ridgid Heavy Duty offset pipe wrench 14-24 inch

Ridgid Heavy Duty offset pipe wrench 14-24 inch

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Ridgid Straight Pipe Wrench 6-60 inch

Ridgid Straight Pipe Wrench 6-60 inch

Price: £poa

Ridgid Hex Wrench E-110

Ridgid Hex Wrench E-110

Price: £poa

Ridgid wrenches

Ridgid wrench

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Press Fitting Tools

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The state-of-the-art pressing tool for the professional pipe installer. Cordless, portable and powerful - pressing fittings from 12-54mm in diameter, in seconds!
Ridgid R550
Ridgid R550
Ridgid R550

Ridgid R550
Ridgid R550
Ridgid R550

ROMAX PRESSLINER Sets & Accesories

Description No. Price

 ROMAX Pressliner Base Set:
Pressliner tool, 12V 2 Ah battery & carrying case (no jaws)
 1.5420 £  761.55
 ROMAX Pressliner Set M:
Yorkshire Pressfit/Mannesmann including jaws for 15-22-28mm in carrying case
 1.5450 £  922.30
 ROMAX Pressliner Set U:
Unicore/Unipipe including jaws for 16-20-25mm in carrying case
 1.5460 £  922.30
 ROMAX Pressliner Set G:
Gerberit Melpa including jaws for 16-20-26mm in carrying case
 1.5465 £  922.30
 ROMAX Pressliner Set S:
B-Press/Viega including jaws for 12-22-28mm in carrying case
 1.5440 £  922.30
Spare battery 12v/2Ah (ni-Cd)  1.5410 £   76.90
Spare battery 12v/3Ah (ni-MH)  1.5411 £  125.35
High speed battery charger  1.5415 £   56.90
    Buy Now


Semi-automatic pressing cycle with rotating head and duo switch system for safe and secure joints in any location.

Ridgid R550
Ridgid R550
Ridgid R550 Ridgid R550


Description No. Price

 ROMAX Pressliner ECO Base Set:
Pressliner ECO tool, 12V 2 Ah battery, 1 hr battery charger & carrying case (no jaws)
 1.5605 £  615.35
 ROMAX Pressliner ECO Set M:
Yorkshire Pressfit/Mannesmann including jaws for 15-22-28mm in carrying case
 1.5690 £  769.20
 ROMAX Pressliner ECO Set SV:
B-Press/Viega including jaws for 15-22-28mm in carrying case
 1.5695 £  769.20
    Buy Now

Press Fitting Tools

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